Cast Iron Radiators: A Surprising Option For Eco Friendly Heating

Posted: Monday, May 9, 2022

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You may look at a cast iron radiator and wonder how on earth this antique water-heating device could help the environment. After all, they are a Victorian invention. Victorians are synonymous with large industrial towns and factories, the beginning of the societal cycle of production and pollution. 

However, we at Trads combine modern efficiency with a homage to beautiful Victorian designs, creating a sophisticated blend of eco-friendly heating that recalls the classy period styles of the earlier era. 

A Lifetime Guarantee

Cast iron is the magic material that makes our radiators an eco friendly heating choice. Its astonishing resilience and endurance means that there is no need to buy replacement radiators and any issues can be fixed up with a lick of paint! A steel radiator would need to be replaced three or four times during the lifespan of a cast iron model, using up more raw materials and requiring more energy to manufacture than our sustainable alternatives. A cast iron radiator only needs to be made once!

We are so confident in our products that we offer a lifetime guarantee on all our cast iron goods! We trust that our customers will never need to use this warranty - their homes will be kept warm and toasty for decades to come. 

Energy-Saving Eco Friendly Heating

Our products combine all the pros of the traditional radiator with modern efficiency, making us purveyors of excellent energy-saving goods. Our high-quality cast iron models heat up quickly and go on to radiate heat for a long period of time, thanks to their make-up of denser materials. Once the room has reached the desired temperature, you can switch off your central heating and the radiator will continue to emit heat. 

When you come home in the evening and ratchet up the heating, a cast iron radiator will get up to temperature double-quick due to its residual heat, making life easier for you, your boiler and your energy bills. In 2019, 85% of UK central heating was being powered by fossil fuels, so energy-saving heating is a must-have for the environmentally conscious. 

Twinning With Alternative Energy Sources

Cast iron radiators are not just a thing of the past. Their heating characteristics mean that they work very effectively with other eco friendly heating systems, such as ground source pumps and solar power. Bring your home into the future by pairing a cast iron radiator with an incredible alternative energy source. Let’s change that 85% statistic!

Explore The Options

Our eco friendly heating can also be personalised! You can design your own radiator by using our 10,000 colours and finishes or our bespoke service on our website. Find inspiration by following us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok

Call us on 01400 263320, or email if you have any questions or queries. 

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